
Our aim in line with our Child Protection policy (CPP) and the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) document is to protect children from maltreatment; prevent the impairment of children’s health or development; ensure that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and take action to ensure all children have the best outcomes.

Mrs Bryony Collins is our Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Rebekah Layzell and Miss Charlotte Hart are the deputy safeguarding leads.

We ensure that all staff read, understand and follow the guidance contained in the KCSIE document and our CPP; undertake annual update training and that mechanisms are in place to assist staff to understand and discharge their roles and responsibilities.

Child Protection Policy - September 2023

Keeping Children Safe in education - September 2023

Dealing with Allegations Against Adults  - September 2023

Harmful Sexual Behaviour and Child on Child Abuse - November 2022


Online Safety

Technology is a vital and exciting part of our lives: we encourage children to enjoy using it and above all learn to be safe in everything they do online.

We aim to teach children:

  • How to keep their own privacy and dignity on the Internet (e.g. when creating personal accounts in or out of school)

  • How to conduct their behaviour online (e.g. through what they write and publish).

  • How to identify ‘danger signs’ on the Internet (such as someone requesting personal information)

  • The importance of raising concerns immediately and how to do this

  • Who to talk to about any concerns they have in or out of school about online issues.

Online Safety Policy November 2022


Advice for Parents

There is a wealth of excellent advice and resources to support parents in keeping their children safe online. The following sites will help you stay up to date and keep your children safe in today’s digital world.

NSPCC Keeping Children Safe

Think U Know how to guides

NSPCC Guide to Social Networks

UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS)

Digital Parenting Magazine


Be Respectful