Religious Education

At Felsted Primary School the RE Curriculum is taught in accordance with The Essex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2022.

As members of a global community it is important for children to develop an understanding of the variety of beliefs and religious traditions that exist in our world and that people of different communities adhere to.

Religious Education lessons at Felsted Primary School provide children with the opportunity to learn facts about the main world religions, to discuss similarities and differences and to reflect on the ways in which these differing beliefs impact on people’s lives. As our understanding of different religious beliefs deepens we can see how this positively impacts on our respect for and treatment of other people.

At Felsted Primary School, RE, PSHRE and assemblies play a key role in helping our children to develop their spirituality and understand diversity. We intend to develop religious literacy in all our pupils by applying a multi-disciplinary approach. “Religiously literate means that pupils will have the ability to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and worldviews. Pupils will be able to make sense of religion and worldviews around them and begin to understand the complex world in which they live. RE is primarily about enabling pupils to become free thinking, critical participants of public discourse, who can make academically informed judgements about important matters of religion and belief which shape the global landscape.” 

Our intention is that when pupils leave Felsted Primary School they: 

  • Hold balanced and informed conversations;

  • Can navigate a multicultural world;

  • Have developed an awareness of spiritual and moral issues in life experiences;

  • Have developed knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other major world religions and value systems;

  • Have developed an understanding of what it means to be committed to a religious tradition;

  • are able to reflect on their own experiences and to develop a personal response to the fundamental questions of life;

  • have developed an understanding of religious traditions and to appreciate the cultural differences in Britain today;

  • have developed investigative and research skills and to enable them to make reasoned judgements about religious issues;

  • have respect for other peoples’ views and to celebrate the diversity in society 


Our Key Concepts in RE  

Our values

Our Citizenship  

Our Personal Development 

Our World  

Our Responsibilities 

-Belief and values 

- Morality 

- Choices 


-Diversity and Equality 

- Heritage 

- Society and Community 

- Culture 

- Important Events 

- Influential People 


- Identity 

- Relationships 

- Family  


 - Nature

- Peace and conflict 

- Rights and Responsibilities  



Teaching RE as a multi-disciplinary Subject 

 The RE curriculum is taught as a multi-disciplinary subject, looking at a religion through the lens of Human and social understanding, Theology and Philosophy. Each unit of work starts with an enquiry question and children explore different themes and religions through that question.

The three disciplinary fields through which we teach RE are:  

  • theology – thinking through believing

  • philosophy – thinking through thinking

  • social sciences – thinking through living 


Curricular map  

Religions and World Views: 

EYFS: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.  

KS1: Christianity and Judaism studied in depth. Hinduism and Islam are encountered.  

KS2: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism studied in depth. Sikhism, Judaism, Humanism Hinduism and Buddhism are encountered.  


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