Eco Schools

Our ECO Monitors

Felsted Primary School is committed to teaching the children about the environment. We use our extensive surroundings as a resource.  

The school has a wildlife area, including a pond, and a vegetable garden. In addition, children are taken for environmental walks into the surrounding area, for example Reception children take part in 'Welly Wednesday', when they use the Flitch Way as part of their environmental learning.

Each class has two ECO monitors who are voted into the position by the other children. Their job is to save energy by turning off electrical appliances when they are not needed and also to keep the classroom environment tidy. They also meet with Mrs Collins and Miss Wiseman half termly as part of the eco committee to discuss how we can implement further changes/improvements.

We have achieved our bronze eco schools award. We are now working towards our silver and then the green flag award.







Eco Certificate 2023

Be the best you can be